Wellness is a complex word because there are so many aspects of a person’s life that affect their well-being. To be well is to be balanced, stable, and healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, and socially. This week, as we interacted with friends, we had a lot of conversations that revolved around wellness.

So, this week we have put together a list of wellness-related questions. We invite you to take at least 15 minutes to go through the following questions and either meditate on, or journal about, your answers. It is through reflection that we gain insight and receive the most benefit from our past experiences. Enjoy :)
How many hugs do you get a day?
When was the last time you ate a home-cooked meal?
How are you feeling today?
Who are you receiving love and care from?
Can you surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you?
Are you going where you want to go?
If not, what do you need to do to get to that place?
When was the last time you felt pure, child-like joy?
How are you doing financially? Do you need to make any shifts in your budget to become more financially well?
What are you doing to connect to something greater than yourself? To gain perspective?
How do you feel every day when you get home from work? What does that say about your job?
Are you happy?