The Big Picture

What is the Enneagram?
Greek words: Ennea (nine) and Grammos (a written symbol).
9 ways of relating to self, others, and the world.
Personality vs Type Structure
Each type has a distinct way of thinking, feeling, and doing based on its core motivation.
A map to self-awareness and transformation.
Spiritually, psychologically, and somatically.
Connect to our true essence.
Important Things to Know about the Enneagram
The Enneagram is not just a personality test.
Enneagram Types are equal, there is no “best” type.
You should never try to type someone.
Your Enneagram type is determined by your motives.
Enneagram tests can be helpful, but are not the most accurate way of discovering your type.
You can only be one Enneagram type.
Your type cannot change.
The Enneagram does not put us in a box.

Centers of Intelligence and Perception: BODY
The instinctual center is made up of 8's, 9's, and 1's who are driven by their gut or instincts. Their actions, reactions, as well as how they move through the world are heavily influenced by their experience in their body. They tend towards a focus on control of self, belonging in their community and the larger society, right action, and have a need for personal security. Their core emotion is anger.

Centers of Intelligence and Perception: HEART
The emotional center is composed of 2's, 3's, and 4's who experience a lot of the world through their feelings. Their automatic response to a positive or negative situation is felt in the heart which drives them to have a natural gift for compassion, empathy, and concern for the other. This triad is extra aware of how people view them and therefore work hard to meet the perceived expectations of others. Their core emotion is sadness.

Centers of Intelligence and Perception:
The intellectual center includes 5's, 6's, and 7's who thrive on certainty, safety, and/or having a variety of options. These types are driven from ideas, thrive by gathering information, and make decisions based on facts and knowledge. They tend to be so wrapped up in the thoughts in their head that they can have a hard time connecting to their body and/or heart. Head types need rationality and a clear path to feel safe and secure. Their core emotion is fear.
The 9 Types

Type 8: The Protector/Challenger
Core Desire: To be independent and to protect themselves.
Core Fear: To be controlled or harmed.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Body
Type 8: Integration & Disintegration



Type 9: The Peacemaker
Core Desire: To be at peace and in harmony.
Core Fear: Separation and conflict.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Body
Type 9: Integration & Disintegration



Type 1: The Perfectionist/Reformer
Core Desire: To be right and to be good.
Core Fear: To be wrong or to be bad.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Body
Type 1: Integration & Disintegration



Type 2: The Giver/Helper
Core Desire: To be loved and to be wanted.
Core Fear: To be unloved or unwanted.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Heart
Type 2: Integration & Disintegration



Type 3: The Achiever/Performer
Core Desire: To be valuable and successful.
Core Fear: To not be successful or to fail.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Heart
Type 3: Integration & Disintegration



Type 4: The Individualist
Core Desire: To be authentic and to be uniquely themselves.
Core Fear: To not have an identity. To have no significance.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Heart
Type 4: Integration & Disintegration



Type 5: The Thinker
Core Desire: To be capable and competent.
Core Fear: Being incapable or incompetent.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Head
Type 5: Integration & Disintegration



Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic
Core Desire: To be safe and secure.
Core Fear: To not have support or guidance.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Head
Type 6: Integration & Disintegration



Type 7: The Enthusiast/Epicurean
Core Desire: To be content and satisfied.
Core Fear: Being deprived or trapped in pain.
Primary Center of Intelligence: Head
Type 7: Integration & Disintegration


If you want to learn more about the Enneagram:
Join us for our weekly Everything Enneagram Panel Series
to learn from the types themselves
Sign up for our Everything Enneagram Modules I and II
to take a deep dive into Enneagram theory.